What is Redis Sentinel? Sentinel is the high availability solution offered by Redis, in case of failure in your Redis cluster, Sentinel will automatically detect
Author: D0nBale
Scaling a node out of a kubernetes cluster in kops
In this example we will be scaling out the test-nodes pod from one of our KOPS cluster. Draining the node of pods before deletion Login
Using Flutter with the updated amplify_flutter plugin
There are a lot of tutorials out there explaining how to use amplify with flutter, however, even the most recent ones use amplify_core which no
Bash Cheat Sheet
Variables and User Input read -p “What is you name: ” name echo “Hello $name” read -p “What do you like to do: ” verb
Setting up Pandora Network Monitoring
In any environment it is important to have visuals over your entire networks to alert you to any potential security risk. A great opensource option
Nextcloud keeps crashing (Solution)
Recently I have set up NextCloud running on an AWS instance in our private VPC. The predominant reasoning behind this was to provide a frontend
Permanently Set HOSTNAME in an AWS EC2 instance
This is more when you want to create an AMI from an EC2 image and you want it to have a persistent hostname. This was
Prepare a Centos6 AMI to use on C5/M5 Instances
This blog is as much for me as anyone else: If it helps anyone else out there in IT land that’s great and I would
Ensure DNS Nameservers are correct on EC2 startup
vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 add PEERDNS=no sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf make sure this file is as you want it and then make a copy sudo cp resolv.conf resolv.conf.bk
Adding a Linux EC2 instance to AWS Managed AD
Step-by-step guide CENTOS (yum): sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/pbiso.repo http://repo.pbis.beyondtrust.com/yum/pbiso.repo sudo yum clean all sudo yum install pbis-open UBUNTU(apt): wget -O – http://repo.pbis.beyondtrust.com/apt/RPM-GPG-KEY-pbis|sudo apt-key add –